A bit of a strange one but for those of you who hit Christmas shopping hard or don’t typically have much money FlyLevel have a sale on and it’s an absolute belter.
For less than £140 you can fly round trip from Barcelona to Boston. You get nothing included in the price but you and a 10kg backpack. That’s no meals, no Wifi, no pillows, blankets or even cheap crappy headphones but it’s less than £140 for 16 hours of flying.
I wrote a review of what it’s like flying with LEVEL here. It is the personification of a no-frills airline but the price is most certainly right.
Dates are available from January through March, FlyLEVEL has a handy website showing the calendar with cheap dates.
Good luck, pack food (though you can buy it in flight at a super inflated price) and if you’ve got a credit card that gets you lounge access it will take the edge off the flight.